
Astronomers help!

September 30, 2010

Dear Internet,

I am at my wit’s end. I have been trying to build some astronomy software for my graduate program for 2.5 weeks and I have hit a dead end. The software is called Heasoft and is used in analyzing spectrum files. I am on Maverick and getting this error -> http://pastebin.com/mDkuRUba when I try to build the package. Are there any astronomy buffs or just some developers out there who can help me? I am really really stuck and would appreciate any help.

Please leave me a comment of shoot me an email Freddymartinez 9 AT gmail . com.

Thanks in advance.


Long time no see!

August 31, 2009

Hey Ubuntu folks,

My blog has been slightly ignored in the last year or so. I have sort of moved away from the Ubuntu community. I still advocate and spread the love but I don’t really have time for development. So a few things:

– The Mozilla Team is still strong and running. I was involved in various degrees when it started and it looks like a strong team. Alexander Sack and company have been doing great work.
– The reason I sort of dropped off the face of the earth has been education. I am a full time student getting a Masters in Physics. Physics is now my life and there is not much room for other things. (Side note: I beginning teaching today…life moves so quickly…)
– On Ubuntu development in general: You all rock. I have very much enjoyed my time speaking with all of you. The Chicago LoCo in particular, Nixternal, Jim Campbell and company rock.
– On Comments on my blog: I haven’t checked them in a long time. If you want me to respond please resent the comment or find me on skype. (user name photonphoton) I know, its not FOSS and I need my sins absolved. 😛
– Speaking of FOSS, is anyone interested in writing a FOSS version of programs like Mathematica/Maple? Mathematica may be the best tool I’ve ever use and I really don’t like that FOSS alternatives don’t exist but I can see why they don’t.

Have fun during Ubuntu Developer Week. I really wish I had times to help you. If anyone has an area of Ubuntu development that doesn’t require a lot of time, please let me know. I may be convinced to come back. 😛


Bug Jamming

January 20, 2009

Just a head ups that the Ubuntu Chicago LoCo is still planning to do a Bug Jam on Feb 20th – 22nd. If you are interested sent our mailing list an email or call nixternal on his cell phone.

Also, I’m confused about all the discussion about Obama’s blackberry. Giving up my Blackberry is not option so it must be non-blackberry users talking about it.


Meme (Better than sleep!)

November 12, 2008

My quote comes from a book that I’ve been reading recently.  It’s titled, “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” If you don’t know the man, you may not have a soul.

“My experiments were always being interrupted by the salesmen, who would come back with some plastic from a prospective customer.”


Freddy M.


  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open it to page 56.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
  5. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

Chicago LoCo / Election

November 4, 2008

Long time since I’ve updated.  In the Ubuntu world, the Chicago LoCo has been looking at ways to get ourselves meeting more.  We’ve hit a lull in our team as we’ve all been busy with work/school/still crying about the Cubs losing in the playoffs.  If you’re interested, send an email to the list.

I’ve attached my ideas about the election,  I’m focusing on how to interpret polling and what it means.  I’m a big supporter of Obama but I’m not focusing on either party.  If you live in the Colonies, don’t forget to go out and vote.

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